N.B: Please be aware that most resources and sources are in French.
Overview of the Country


Official name: Republic of Senegal 1
Capital: Dakar 1
Location: Western Africa 1
Official languages: French 1
National language: 6 1 
Population: 17,763,163 (2023) 2
GDP: 14.1 Billion US$ (2023) 3
GNI per capita, PPP (current international): 4,670 US$ (2023) 4

Membership of Regional Economic Communities (RECs):

Additional Resources:


  1. Ministère du Tourisme et de l’Artisanat
  2. Population Data Portal
  3. World Bank - ANSD
  4. World Bank

The strategic objectives of the PAQUET-EF align with the three key pillars set out in the presidential decisions: 1

  • Quality schools: improving the quality of education and training in all its dimensions;
  • A school for all: strengthening the coverage, diversification, and equity of education and training at all levels;
  • A viable, reliable, and peaceful school: promoting integrated, inclusive, partnership-based, decentralized, transparent, and efficient sector governance.

Policy priorities include:

  • Revamping of Education and Training towards the promotion of sustainable lifestyles, skills for economic acceleration, and decent employment for all, the affirmation of cultural identity, and openness to global citizenship;
  • New impetus for the equitable coverage of education needs and the success of educational pathways;
  • Systemic approach to improving the quality of education that links the skill development chain from preschool to higher education and targets key factors of quality and relevance;
  • Development of bold and innovative policies for the promotion and renovation of learning in mathematics, science, and technology;
  • Pedagogical integration of ICT to improve learning and system management;
  • Adaptation of the education and training supply to the demand of society;
  • Development of research and innovation at all levels;
  • Establishment of a solid and reliable institutional governance framework.

Governance Structure for Education:  

  • The Ministry of National Education oversees preschool, elementary, middle, and general secondary education. It is responsible for developing and implementing educational policies, managing public and private education, ensuring a peaceful school environment, integrating daara (traditional Quranic schools) into the education system, promoting reading, writing, and civic education, ensuring the quality of educational programs and necessary reforms, and maintaining relations with UNESCO. 1
  • The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation (MESRI) manages higher education, develops and implements the national university map, oversees universities and higher education institutions, and promotes the development of fundamental and applied research in universities, institutes, and national training schools. 2
  • The Ministry of Vocational Training is responsible for preparing and implementing policy for technical and vocational training, managing all vocational disciplines and levels, ensuring alignment with the economy, facilitating skill acquisition, maintaining the quality of continuous training, and integrating vocational training within academia while promoting cooperation with the private sector. 3
  • The National Quality Assurance Authority for Higher Education, Research and Innovation (ANAQ-SUP) missions including:
    • Defining quality standards for higher education and research.
    • Designing and implementing a quality assurance system.
    • Establishing formal evaluation procedures and criteria.
    • Providing technical advice on authorization and accreditation.
    • Periodically evaluating higher education institutions and research centres.
    • Evaluating training programs, focusing on teaching methods and pedagogy.

The education system structure encompasses: 4

  • Preschool Education targets children aged 3-5 years, managed by the Ministry of National Education. It focuses on providing early learning and preparation for quality basic education.
  • Elementary Education lasts six years and aims to provide foundational knowledge and skills.  
  • Lower Secondary Education is a four-year program covering grades 7 to 10.
  • Daara Moderne: Aims to provide comprehensive education for children aged 3 to 13, offering tailored learning at both preschool and primary levels. It enhances non-formal and informal education offerings and integrates them into the formal education system through appropriate pathways.
  • Upper Secondary Education: Lasts three years and prepares students for higher education or vocational training. It culminates in the Baccalaureate examination, qualifying students for university admission.
  • Higher Education: Includes universities, higher education institutes, and vocational training centres. Programs follow the License-Master-Doctorate (LMD) system.

Additional Resources:


  1. Décret n° 2024-960 relatif aux attributions du Ministre de l'Education nationale
  2. Décret n° 2024-954 relatif aux attributions du ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation
  3. Décret n° 2024-951 relatif aux attributions du ministre de la Formation professionnelle
  4. Programme d'amélioration de la qualité, de l'équité et de la transparence, Education/Formation, 2018-2030 - Ministère de l'Education Sénégal
  School age population (2023) 2 Gros enrolment ratio (2022) 2 Completion rate (2019) 2 Out-of-school rate 2
Pre-primary 1,521,455 No data found N/A No data found
Primary 2,833,505 83.28% 47.38% 26.59 % (2023) 
Lower secondary 1,683,310 80.97 29.59% 64.58%
Upper secondary  1,136,374  72.35 10.50% 82.49%

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS - UIS SDG4 Data
  2. UIS


Proportion of children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level by sex 1

  Reading Mathematics
In grades 2/3 No data found No data found
At the end of primary 20.89% (2019) 13.82% (2019)
At the end of lower secondary 2.22% (2017) 1.98% (2017)

Percentage distribution of students according to the average number of letters read correctly in one minute - Start of schooling (2019) 2

  • Below 6 letters: 11.4%
  • Between 6 and 10 letters: 16.8%
  • Between 11 and 20 letters: 29.1%
  • More than 20 letters: 42.8% 


Percentage distribution of students by average number of words read correctly in one minute - Early schooling (2019) 2

  • 0 words: 10.6%
  • 1 to 5 words: 20.8%
  • 6 to 10 words: 19.5%
  • 11 to 20 words: 21.7%
  • More than 20 words: 27.4% 

Percentage of students by level of skills achieved in mathematics - Early schooling (2019) 2

  • level <1: 3.6%
  • level 1: 17.3%
  • level 2: 35.7%
  • level 3: 43.4% 

Learning achievement in mathematics (End of lower secondary): 2015 3

  • Low proficiency, PISA-D, 2015 (Overall average): 24%
  • Minimum proficiency, PISA-D, 2015 (Overall average): 8%
  • Medium proficiency, PISA-D, 2015 (Overall average): 2% 


Learning achievement in science (End of lower secondary): 2015 3

  • Low proficiency, PISA-D, 2015 (Overall average): 29%
  • Minimum proficiency, PISA-D, 2015 (Overall average): 4%

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS
  2. Performances Et Environnement De L’enseignement-Apprentissage Au Primaire
  3. The World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE)

Percentage of  trained/qualified teachers according to the national standards (2022): 1

  Qualified teachers 1 Trained teachers 1
Pre-primary 34.99% (2023) No data found
Primary 69.24% (2023)  No data found
Lower secondary 100.00% (2021) No data found
Upper secondary 100.00% (2021) No data found

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS

Proportion of schools with access to basic services / Electricity:

  Electricity 1 Single‐sex basic sanitation facilities 1
Primary 53.43% (2023) 30.66% (2023)
Lower Secondary 85.43% (2022) No data found 
Upper Secondary 96.11% (2022) No data found


Additional Resources:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data
  2. 2022/23 Education Statistical Yearbook
  Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months 1 Proportion of 15- to 24-year-olds enrolled in vocational education 2 Share of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) 3 Gross enrolment ratio for tertiary education 2
15-64 years old  15-24 years old
Both sexes 16.51% (2022) 41.87% (2022 2.05 % (2023) 33% (2022) 17.30% (2023)
Male 17.42% 40.56% 2.00% 22.2% 16.96%
Female 15.82% 43.01% 2.33% 42.4% 17.63% 


  Number of people 15-35 years old 12,167,067 (2024) of whom:  4 Percentage
Employed 3,006,797 43.4%
Unemployed 113,752 1.6%
Inactive 2,308,332 33.3%​
Student 1,507,213 21.7%

Total number of Higher Education institutions : 5

  • Public : 11  
  • Private : 107 (Habilitated by ANAQ-SUP) 

Additional Resources:


  Gender Parity Index (GPI) Gross enrolment ratio (2023) 1 Adjusted Gender Parity Index (GPIA) Gross enrolment ratio (2023) 2 Proportion of schools with adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disabilities 2
Primary 1.16 N/A 35.65% (2023)
Lower secondary 1.20 N/A 50.80% (2023)
Upper secondary 1.19 N/A 29.55% (2021)
Tertiary N/A 1.04 (2023) N/A

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS
  2. UIS SDG4 Data
Government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP 1 Expenditure on education as a percentage of total government expenditure 1
5.99 % (2022) 22.55 % (2023)

Additional Resources: 


  1. UIS SDG4 Data 
  15+ years (2022) 15-24 years (2022) 25-64 years (2022) 65+ years (2022)
Literacy rate by age group 1 57.67% 78.14 % 48.87%  28.01%
  Both sexes (2022) Males (2022) Females (2022)
Literacy rate by sex 1 57.67% (2022) 69.06% 47.08%

Additional Resources:



  1. UIS SDG4 Data
  Proportion of schools with access to internet for pedagogical purposes 1 Proportion of secondary schools with access to computers for pedagogical purposes (2023) 1
Lower secondary 79.99% (2023) 98.29%
Upper secondary 73.65% (2022) 90.03%


  1. UIS SDG4 Data
Refugees and asylum seekers 1 Internally Displaced Persons due to conflict or natural disasters 2
11,850 (31.08.2024)  8.400 (2023)


  1. UNHCR Operational Data Portal – UNHCR
  2. Global Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
  Yes/No Source / Additional Resources
Education Sector Plan Yes République du Sénégal, ministère de l'Éducation nationale., ministère de la Formation professionnelle et technique, de l’Apprentissage et de l’Artisanat; ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation and Ministère de la Bonne Gouvernance et de la Protection de l'Enfance. (2018). Programme d'amélioration de la qualité, de l'équité et de la transparence, Education/Formation, 2018-2030
Related strategic documents Yes

République Du Sénégal. (2018). Lettre De Politique Générale Pour Le Secteur De L’éducation Et De La Formation LPGS-EF 2018

République du Sénégal, ministère de l’Économie, des finances et du plan. (2018). Plan Sénégal émergent: Plans d’actions prioritaire 2018-2023

République du Sénégal, ministère de l’Emploi, de la formation professionnelle, de l’apprentissage et de l’insertion (2020). Stratégie De Développement Du Numérique Dans La Formation Professionnelle Et Technique

National Commitment Statement Yes National Commitment Statement
Early Childhood Education Policy Yes République du Sénégal, ministère de l'Éducation nationale; ministère de la Formation professionnelle et technique, de l’Apprentissage et de l’Artisanat; ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation and Ministère de la Bonne Gouvernance et de la Protection de l'Enfance. (2018). Programme d'amélioration de la qualité, de l'équité et de la transparence, Education/Formation, 2018-2030
National Teacher’s Standards Yes ​GUIDE PLANETE ENSEIGNANT
The National Credit and Qualifications Framework Yes UNEVOC TVET Country Profile
Higher Education Accreditation body Yes Autorité Nationale d’Assurance Qualité de l’enseignement SUPérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation (ANAQ-SUP)
National inclusive policy Yes République du Sénégal, ministère de l'Éducation nationale; ministère de la Formation professionnelle et technique, de l’Apprentissage et de l’Artisanat; ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation and Ministère de la Bonne Gouvernance et de la Protection de l'Enfance. (2018). Programme d'amélioration de la qualité, de l'équité et de la transparence, Education/Formation, 2018-2030
Gender Policy Yes

République du Sénégal, ministère de l'Éducation nationale; ministère de la Formation professionnelle et technique, de l’Apprentissage et de l’Artisanat; ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation and Ministère de la Bonne Gouvernance et de la Protection de l'Enfance. (2018). Programme d'amélioration de la qualité, de l'équité et de la transparence, Education/Formation, 2018-2030

République du Sénégal, ministère de la Femme, de la Famille et de l’Enfance. (2020)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) policy No  
Youth policy Yes République du Sénégal, ministère de l’Économie, des finances et du plan. (2018). Plan Sénégal émergent – Plans d’actions prioritaire 2018-2023
ICT Country Profile Yes

Ministère de l’économie numérique et des télécommunications, et PNUD .(2022). Plan d’actions. Actualisation de la stratégie Sénégal numérique 2025 (SN2025)

GEMR - ICT in Education Profile

Resilience plan Yes

République du Sénégal, Agence française de développement. (2020). Document De Présentation Du Programme D’appui Au Développement De L’éducation Au Sénégal – Riposte Et Résilience Face Au Covid-19 (Pades – Rr) 2020 – 2021

République Du Sénégal, Ministère de l'éducation nationale Sénégal., Ministère de l'emploi de la formation professionnelle et de l'artisanat Dakar.(2020). Note D’orientation Pour La Reprise Des Cours

Climate Change Education and Communication Yes GEMR – Climate Change Communication and Education
Private sector: Non-State actors in Education Yes GEMR - Acteurs non étatiques
Sexuality education Yes GEMR Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Education Scenario for 2043 Yes Future Projections and Strategic Outlook on Education