N.B: Please be aware that most resources and sources are in Arabic.
Overview of the Country


  • Official name: Republic of Tunisia 1
  • Capital: Tunis 1
  • Location: Northern Africa 1
  • Official language: Arabic 1
  • Population: 12,458,223 (2023) 2
  • Gross domestic product (GDP): US$ 48.53 Billion (2023) 3
  • Gross national income (GNI) per capita, PPP (current international $): 13,310 (2023) 4

Membership of Regional Economic Communities (RECs):

Additional Resources:


  1. Office National du Tourisme Tunisien
  2. UNFPA Population Data Portal
  3. World Bank - GDP
  4. World Bank - GNI

Critical Sector Strategic Priorities in Education include: 1

  • Integrated and Sustainable Education: Establish a system that adapts to technological changes, enhancing human capital for a knowledge-based economy.
  • Universal Early Childhood Education: Make preparatory years mandatory, focusing on fostering intellectual skills and creativity, especially in underserved areas.
  • Equal Opportunities: Remove educational barriers, ensure equitable access, and promote lifelong learning for all, including disadvantaged groups.
  • Quality Enhancement: Transition to analytical learning, improve curricula, integrate technology, and meet international standards.
  • Alignment with Market Needs: Align education with economic demands, revise specializations, and strengthen technical and vocational pathways.
  • Research and Innovation: Focus on research to address national priorities, increase R&D investment, and support partnerships with economic institutions. 

Governance Structure for Education:

  • The Ministry of Education oversees primary and secondary education. It is responsible for developing educational policies, managing curricula, training and managing teachers, ensuring equitable access to quality education, and improving educational infrastructure.  
  • The Ministry of Employment and Vocational training is responsible for overseeing vocational training and employment policies, ensuring workforce development, managing vocational training centers, and aligning educational programs with labor market needs.
  • The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research manages higher education institutions and oversees scientific research. It is responsible for developing policies, ensuring quality education, promoting research and innovation, and aligning higher education with national development goals.

Education System Structure: 2

  • Pre-primary: targets children before they enter primary school.
  • Primary: covers grade 1 to 6 and for ages from 6-11 years.  
  • Lower Secondary: covers grades 7 to 9 for students aged 12 to 14. It allows for specialization tracks based on students’ abilities.  
  • Upper Secondary: Includes grades 10-12. Students choose between different academic tracks such as science, arts and technical education.  
  • Higher Education:  comprises bachelor's degree, master’s and doctorate. Tunisia has public and private institutions as well as technical ones.

Additional Resources:


  1. Ministère de l’économie et de la planification (2022). Projet Note d’orientation Tunisie 2035
  2. Ministère de l’Education. (2016). Plan stratégique sectoriel de l’éducation 2016-2020

School age population (2023): 1

  • Pre-primary: 628 628 
  • Primary: 1 291 923 
  • Lower secondary: 568 802 
  • Upper secondary: 701 996

Gross enrolment ratio (2023): 1

  • Pre-primary: No data found
  • Primary: 103.53 %
  • Lower Secondary: 104.12 %
  • Upper secondary: No data found

Completion rates (2022): 2

  • Primary: 92.72 %
  • Lower Secondary: 75.62 %
  • Upper Secondary: 35.63 %

Out-of-School rate: 2

  • Primary school age: 1.94 % (2023)
  • Lower secondary school age: No data found
  • Upper secondary school age: No data found

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS Data
  2. UIS SDG4 Data

Percentage of teachers qualified according to the national standards: 1

  • Pre-primary: 100% (2023)
  • Primary: 100% (2023)
  • Lower secondary: 100% (2022)
  • Upper secondary: 100% (2022)

Percentage of teachers trained according to the national standards: 1

  • Pre-primary: no data found
  • Primary: no data found
  • Lower secondary: no data found
  • Upper secondary: no data found

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data

School infrastructure and facilities / Electricity (2023): 1

  • Primary education: 99.98%
  • Lower secondary education: 100%
  • Upper secondary education: 100%

School infrastructure and facilities / Single‐sex basic sanitation facilities (2023): 1

  • Primary education: 97.56%
  • Lower secondary education: 100%
  • Upper secondary education: 100%

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data

Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, 15-64 years old: 1

  • Both sexes: 13.99% (2023)
  • Male: 12.93% (2023)
  • Female: 15.01% (2023)

Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, 15-24 years old: 1

  • Both sexes: 63.22% (2023)
  • Male: 56.86% (2023)
  • Female: 69.86 (2023)

Proportion of 15- to 24-year-olds enrolled in vocational education: 1

  • Both sexes: No data found
  • Male: No data found
  • Female: No data found

Share of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET): 2

  • Both sexes: 22.6% (2023)
  • Male: 24.4%
  • Female: 20.8%

Number of people 15-35 years old: 2

  • Total: 3,548,064 (2024)
  • Employed: 1,146,025 people (32.3%)
  • Unemployed: 304, 069 people (8.6%)
  • Inactive: 878, 855 people (24.8%)
  • Student: 1,219,470 people (34.4%)

Gross enrolment ratio for tertiary education (2023): 3

  • Both sexes: 38.45%
  • Male: 27.97%
  • Female: 49.18%

Number of Universities: 

  • Total: 12

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data
  2. International Labour Organization (ILO)
  3. Africa Youth Employment Clock
  4. Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique

Gender Parity Index (GPI) gross enrolment ratio (2023): 1

  • Primary: 0.98
  • Lower secondary: 1.03
  • Upper secondary: no data found

Adjusted Gender Parity Index (GPIA) gross enrolment ratio (2023): 2

  • Tertiary: 1.43

Proportion of schools with adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disabilities: 2

  • Primary Education: no data found
  • Lower secondary: no data found
  • Upper secondary: no data found 

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS Data
  2. UIS SDG4 Data

Expenditure on Education: 1

  • Government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP: 6.73%
  • Expenditure on education as a percentage of total government expenditure: 17.81%

Additional Resources: 


  1. UIS SDG4 Data 

Literacy rate by age group: 1

  • 15+ years: 85.21% (2022)
  • 15-24 years: 98.16% (2022)
  • 25-64 years: 88.11% (2022)
  • 65+ years: 39.00% (2019)

Literacy rate by sex (2022): 1

  • Both sexes: 85.21%
  • Males: 92.57%
  • Females: 78.26%

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data

Proportion of schools with access to internet for pedagogical purposes (2023): 1

  • Average: 99.47%
  • Lower secondary: 100%
  • Upper secondary: 98.94%

Proportion of secondary schools with access to computers for pedagogical purposes (2023): 1

  • Average: 100%
  • Lower secondary: 100%
  • Upper secondary: 100%

Additional Resources:

  • ADEA ICT4E Botswana Country Report (upcoming)


  1. UIS SDG4 Data


  • Refugees and asylum seekers: 16,638 1
  • Internally Displaced Persons due to conflict or natural disasters: No data found 2


  1. UNHCR Operational Data Portal – UNHCR
  2. Global Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)

Education Sector Plan:

Related strategic documents:

National Commitment Statement:

  • No data found

Early Childhood Education Policy:

National Teacher’s Standards:

The National Credit and Qualifications Framework:

Higher Education Accreditation body:

National inclusive policy:

Gender Policy:

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) policy:

  • No data found

Youth policy:

ICT Country Profile:

Resilience plan:

Climate Change Education and Communication:

Private sector: Non-State actors in Education:

Sexuality education:

  • No data found

Education Scenario for 2043: