The 2017 ADEA Triennale in Dakar had as its third theme, “Implementing Education for African cultural renaissance, and the ideals of Pan-Africanism”. This report by the ADEA Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE) and its partners analyzes and presents a summary of the sub-theme around six basic concepts: Pan-Africanism, African Cultural Renaissance, Multiculturalism, Multilingualism, Continental Integration, and Endogenous Knowledge and Knowhow.

The report identifies challenges that hinder progress to integrate African cultures and values into the curriculum. They include the fact that African cultures are diverse and complex to integrate into conventional learning systems, limited knowledge of successful working practices beyond the pilot attempts by some countries on the use of mother tongue and, most importantly, African culture not being popular for the job market.

The report concludes by suggesting that "the economic and social development of Africa cannot be achieved on a sustainable basis without the construction of a continental unit and the promotion of an African identity, solid and capable of integrating the abundant diversity of its cultural and linguistic components."

The recommendations are presented within four categories: Language and Quality of Education, Culture and History, Pan-Africanism and Continental Integration and Resource Mobilization.

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