
"This document analyzes the challenges and opportunities within the education-training-work continuum on the African continent. Rooted in colonial legacies, current educational systems in Africa often fall short in meeting modern economic and social demands. The report underscores the importance of recognizing alternative, non-formal systems that play a crucial role in the training and professional integration of young people.

Based on a study conducted in 16 African countries, the text highlights both successes and shortcomings in implementing this continuum. It advocates for a more integrated strategic approach, incorporating work as an essential component of the educational pathway to better align young people's skills with labor market needs.

The document also emphasizes the need for active collaboration among public, private, and voluntary sectors to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 4, which aims to ensure quality education for all. In conclusion, a reconfiguration of education systems is deemed essential to promote better integration of young people into the African job market."

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