
The analysis of educational priorities in 41 African partner countries of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) in response to the impact of COVID-19 focuses on funding and support for vulnerable and marginalized children. It identifies four key areas: distance learning, technology training for teachers, provision of sanitary materials to reopen schools, and support for vulnerable populations. Funding sources include both internal and external channels, such as budget reallocations and grants from international partners like GPE, the World Bank, and UNICEF. Households and the private sector have also contributed.

The analysis highlights the financial challenges encountered, including insufficient resources, reliance on external funding, and budget cuts. It underscores the long-term impact of COVID-19 on education systems, including private school closures and job losses.

Five recommendations are proposed to strengthen the resilience and inclusivity of education systems: allocate more domestic resources, demonstrate how all emergency funding responses contribute to improving equity and inclusion in education, invest in educational technologies, consider canceling external debts conditional on educational aid, and ensure direct funding to enhance the capacity of education systems to respond to crises.

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