Africa recognizes the role of quality education and high-level skills in science, mathematics, and ICT. ADEA's 2017 Triennale, themed "Revitalizing education towards the 2030 Global Agenda and Africa’s Agenda 2063," provided a platform to reflect on, and engage with, issues surrounding these aspects.

The Triennale focused on four sub-themes, one of which was promoting science, mathematics, and ICT education. This sub-theme unearthed initiatives and interventions that are designed to address the challenges associated with science and mathematics education in Africa. Though progress has been slow, this report highlights areas of significant progress, which include enhancing teacher quality and capacity to integrate ICT into teaching and learning, using ICT to expand learning opportunities in higher education, and connecting students to their environment through science.

The report recommends the following areas for attention: proficiency in the language of instruction by both teachers and students; integrating indigenous knowledge into school science; increasing the participation of female students in STEM subjects; enhancing teacher preparation; ensuring curriculum relevance; investing in infrastructure; and addressing the needs of persons with learning disabilities.

Overall, the report underscores the need for concerted efforts to transform science, mathematics, and ICT education in Africa to meet the continent's development goals.

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