N.B: Please be aware that most resources and sources are in Arabic.
Overview of the Country
- Official name: Islamic Republic of Mauritania 1
- Capital: Nouakchott 1
- Location: Northern Africa 1
- Official language: Arabic 1
- National languages: 4 1
- Population: 4,862,989 (2023) 2
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$ 10.45 Billion (2023) 3
- GNI per capita, PPP (current international $): 6,930 (2023) 3
Membership of Regional Economic Communities (RECs):
Additional Resources:
Education Priorities, Policy and Strategy References
Critical Sector Strategic Priorities in Education include: 1
- Access and equity
- Quality and relevance
- Governance and efficiency
Policy and Strategy References
Education and training sector policy letter
- Lettre de politique du secteur de l’éducation et de la formation 2022 – 2032. République Islamique de Mauritanie (2022)
- IIPE-UNESCO Dakar. (2024). Analyse du secteur de l'éducation en Mauritanie - Résumé. UNESCO
Education sector development program
- Programme national de développement du secteur de l’éducation PNDSE III (2023-2030). Gouvernement de la Mauritanie, et IIPE-UNESCO Dakar. (2024).
- Ministère de l'Économie, Mauritanie. (2023). Rapport de synthèse du second plan d’action de la SCAPP (Stratégie de Croissance Accélérée et de Prospérité Partagée)
- Banque mondiale. 2024. Septième édition du rapport sur la situation économique de la Mauritanie : Maximiser le rendement du capital humain en Mauritanie pour une richesse accrue et une prospérité partagée © Banque mondiale.
- National Statement of Commitment
National strategy for Higher Education
Early childhood education policy framework
- Programme national de développement du secteur de l’éducation PNDSE III (2023-2030). Gouvernement de la Mauritanie, et IIPE-UNESCO Dakar. (2024).
- Ministère de l’Action sociale, de l’Enfance et de la famille
- UNICEF, in collaboration with Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s, and Adolescent’s Health. (2023). Early Childhood Development: Mauritania.
Science and innovation strategic requirements
Literacy strategy
- Stratégie nationale d’alphabétisation 2015-2024 : pour une vision élargie de l’alphabétisation en Mauritanie. Ministère des affaires islamiques et de l'Enseignement Originel, Mauritanie. (2016).
ICT strategy
- Stratégie nationale de modernisation de l’administration et des TIC. République Islamique de Mauritanie (2022).
- National Artificial Intelligence Strategy of Mauritania 2025-2029. The Ministry of Digital Transformation, Innovation and Modernization of Administration, Mauritania. (2024)
- GEMR - Education Technology Profile
- Mauritanie Stratégie nationale de sécurité numérique 2022-2025. République Islamique de Mauritanie (2022)
Inclusive education policy
Gender Policy:
- Gouvernement de la Mauritanie, et IIPE-UNESCO Dakar. (2024). Programme national de développement du secteur de l’éducation PNDSE III (2023-2030)
- Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de l'Enfance et de la Famille)
- The African Union International Centre for the Education of Girls and Women in Africa (AU/CIEFFA)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) policy:
- No data found
Youth policy:
- Gouvernement de la Mauritanie, et IIPE-UNESCO Dakar. (2024). Programme national de développement du secteur de l’éducation PNDSE III (2023-2030)
- Ministère de l'Économie, Mauritanie. (2023). Rapport de synthèse du second plan d’action de la SCAPP (Stratégie de Croissance Accélérée et de Prospérité Partagée)
- Ministère de l'Emploi, de la Formation Professionnelle, et des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, et IIPE-Pôle de Dakar. (2018). La formation professionnelle en Mauritanie: Analyse de la mise en œuvre des réformes. UNESCO
ICT Country Profile:
Resilience plan:
Climate change framework:
- Contribution déterminée au niveau national (CDN) actualisée 2021-2030. Ministère de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable, Mauritania. (2021).
- African Development Bank. (2018). National Climate Change Profile
Private sector: Non-State actors in Education:
Orientation Law:
Education Scenario for 2043:
Additional Resources:
Governance and Structure
Governance Structure for Education:
- The Ministry of National Education and Education System Reform prepares the government’s general policy in the field of basic and secondary education.
- The Ministry of Tertiary Education, Research, Science, and Technology is responsible for providing and building knowledge and innovation through the development and implementation of policies on tertiary education, research, science, and technology.
Education System Structure: 1
The education system is structured across several levels for various age groups, including inclusive education for special needs and out-of-school learners.
- Early Childhood Education: includes pre-primary education for children typically aged 3 to 5.
- Primary Education: Spanning ages 6 to 11, is compulsory and consists of six years of schooling.
- Secondary Education: Divided into two cycles:
- Lower secondary: covers three years of education for students aged 12 to 14.
- Upper secondary: includes both general and vocational tracks, with a duration of three years, catering to students aged 15 to 17.
- Tertiary Education: comprises various tracks.
Additional Resources:
Access and Participation
School age population (2023): 1
- Pre-primary: 409,245
- Primary: 771,024
- Lower secondary: 481,710
- Upper secondary: 319,399
Gross enrolment ratio (2020): 1
- Pre-primary: no data found
- Primary: 86.69 %
- Lower Secondary: 39.46 %
- Upper secondary: 30.42 %
Completion rates: 2
- Primary: 57.92% (2015)
- Lower Secondary: 41.41% (2023)
- Upper Secondary: 15.12% (2015)
Out-of-School rate (2019): 2
- Primary school age: 30.56%
- Lower secondary school age: 33.04%
- Upper secondary school age: 61.81%
Additional Resources:
Learning Outcomes
Proportion of children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level by sex: 1
- In grades 2/3: no data found
- At the end of primary: no data found
- At the end of lower secondary: no data found
- In grades 2/3: no data found
- At the end of primary: no data found
- At the end of lower secondary: no data found
Share of children not able to read and understand an age-appropriate text by age 10, adjusted for the out-of-school children: 2
- 95% (2022)
Additional Resources:
Percentage of teachers qualified according to the national standards (2022): 1
- Pre-primary: No data found
- Primary school: No data found
- Lower secondary: No data found
- Upper secondary: No data found
Percentage of teachers trained according to the national standards: 1
- Pre-primary: No data found
- Primary school: No data found
- Lower secondary: No data found
- Upper secondary: No data found
Additional Resources:
School Facilities
School infrastructure and facilities / Electricity: 1
- Primary Education: 44.00% (2019)
- Lower Secondary Education: 52.60% (2018)
- Upper Secondary Education: 79.34% (2018)
School infrastructure and facilities / Single‐sex basic sanitation facilities: 1
- Primary Education: 27.52% (2019)
- Lower Secondary Education: 32.29 (2018)
- Upper Secondary Education: 46.13% (2018)
Additional Resources:
Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months (15-64 years old): 1
- Both sexes: 11.00% (2020)
- Male: 12.18%
- Female: 9.90%
Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months (15-24 years old): 1
- Both sexes: 37.61% (2019)
- Male: 41.48%
- Female: 34.15%
Proportion of 15- to 24-year-olds enrolled in vocational education: 1
- Both sexes: 0.23% (2019)
- Male: 0.25%
- Female: 0.20%
Share of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET): 2
- Both sexes: 44.1% (2019)
- Male: 32%
- Female: 54.8%
Number of people 15-35 years old: 3
- Total: 1,868,481 (2024)
- Employed: 574,184 people (30.7%)
- Unemployed: 84,642 people (4.5%)
- Inactive: 632,107 people (33.8%)
- Student: 577,547 people (30.9%)
Additional Resources:
- Annuaire Statistique de l’Enseignement supérieur - Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, And Information and Communication Technologies
- Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Higher Education
Gross enrolment ratio for tertiary education: 1
- Both sexes: 5.95% (2020)
- Male: 7.66%
- Female: 4.34%
Number of accredited Higher Education institutions (2020): 2
- Total: 32
- Public: 23
- Private: 9
Total number of accredited Higher Education institutions: 32 1
Additional Resources:
- Annuaire Statistique de l’Enseignement supérieur - Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, And Information and Communication Technologies
- Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Equity and Inclusion
Gender Parity Index (GPI) Gross enrolment ratio (2020) 1
- Primary: 1.07
- Lower secondary: 1.04
- Upper secondary: 1.00
Adjusted Gender Parity Index (GPIA) Gross enrolment ratio (2020): 1
- Tertiary: 0.57
Proportion of schools with adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disabilities:
- Primary: No data found
- Lower secondary: No data found
- Upper secondary: No data found
Additional Resources:
Education Financing
Expenditure on education: 1
- Government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP: 2.29% (2022)
- Expenditure on education as a percentage of total government expenditure: 10.44% (2022)
Additional Resources:
Literacy rate by age group (2021): 1
- 15+ years: 66.96%
- 15-24 years: 76.49%
- 25-64 years: 64.17%
- 65+ years: 43.77%
Literacy rate by sex (2022): 1
- Males: 71.78%
- Females: 62.17%
Educational Technology
Proportion of schools with access to internet for pedagogical purposes:
- Lower secondary: No data found
- Upper secondary: No data found
Proportion of secondary schools with access to computers for pedagogical purposes (2016): 1
- Lower secondary: 100%
- Upper secondary: 100%
Additional Resources:
Education in Emergencies (EiE)
- Refugees and asylum seekers: 142,383 (2024) 1
- Internally Displaced Persons due to conflict or natural disasters: 1,100 (2023) 2