Overview of the Country


Official name: Republic of Burundi 1
Capital: Bujumbura 1
Location: Eastern Africa 1
Official languages: Kirundi and French 1
Other languages: English and Swahili 1
Population: 13 ,238 ,559 (2023) 2
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$ 2.64 Billion (2023) 3
GNI per capita, PPP (current international $): US$ 950 (2023) 4

Membership of Regional Economic Communities (RECs):

Additional Resources:


  1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development cooperation
  2. UNFPA Population Data Portal
  3. World Bank - GDP
  4. World Bank - GNI

The five priority programs of the Education Sector Plan include: 1

  • Improving access and equity
  • Improving the quality of teaching
  • Expanding and modernizing higher education and scientific research  
  • Expanding and reforming of technical and vocational education and training
  • Improving sector governance.

Improving Access and Equity 1

  • Ensure at least one year of preschool for all 5-year-old children;
  • Enroll all children aged 6 to 11 in school;
  • Implement measures to encourage all out-of-school children and adolescents of school age for the first three cycles of fundamental education to return to school;
  • Increase access and completion rates for the fourth cycle of fundamental education;
  • Align post-fundamental general and pedagogical training with the needs of the higher education system.

Improving the Quality of Teaching 1

  • Strengthen the capacity of all teachers in their profession;
  • Improve the results of fundamental and post-fundamental general and pedagogical students;
  • Use evaluation results to enhance quality management;
  • Improve the teaching of science and technology;
  • Develop curricula for preschool, fundamental, and post-fundamental education.

Expanding and Modernizing Higher Education and Scientific Research 1

  • Develop new engineering training programs to meet labor market needs and promote regional integration, and modernize existing training offerings to ensure better alignment between training and employment;
  • Rationally distribute students across technical and scientific programs;
  • Develop quality assurance in higher education and scientific research;
  • Promote the emergence and realization of innovative business creation projects that capitalize on the skills and research outcomes of public research and higher education institutions;
  • Provide statistical data and strengthen the financial autonomy of institutions.

Expanding and Reforming Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) 1

  • Effectively achieve the qualitative and quantitative objectives of TVET;
  • Build and equip TVET institutions to increase training capacity;
  • Improve training offerings to ensure quality education aligned with employment needs;
  • Support the improvement of employability for TVET graduates;
  • Establish management mechanisms for the harmonized and balanced development of the educational system, particularly in the context of TVET expansion. 

Improving Sector Governance 1

  • Ensure equitable management and provide close supervision and support;
  • Produce timely quality statistics;
  • Strengthen capacities and establish human resource management mechanisms to improve personnel allocation at both central and decentralized levels;
  • Allocate financial resources in line with sector priorities;
  • Ensure regular dialogue on the implementation of educational policies;
  • Ensure necessary skills to implement programs. 

Governance Structure for Education: 2

Education System Structure: 3

  • Primary: lasts for 9 years. It is compulsory and public primary school is free.  
  • Secondary:  lasts for 3 years. Entry into Secondary school system is mediated by a national exam. Students are placed into specialized tracks based on that examination taken at the end of primary studies.
  • Tertiary Education: includes both private and public universities.  

Additional Resources:


  1. REF Plan sectoriel de l'éducation 2022-2030
  2. Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale et de la Recherche Scientifique
  3. Education Fact Sheet- Burundi

School age population (2023): 1

  • Pre-primary: 1 204 565
  • Primary: 2 369 146
  • Lower secondary: 1 017 859
  • Upper secondary: 867 604

Gros enrolment ratio (2020): 1

  • Pre-primary: No data found
  • Primary: 105.16%
  • Lower secondary: 44.76%
  • Upper secondary: 48.37%

Completion rate (2017): 2

  • Primary: 50.14%
  • Lower secondary: 25.34%
  • Upper secondary: 7.16%

Out-of-school rate: 2

  • Primary: 17.89%
  • Lower secondary: 33.32%
  • Upper secondary: 61.58%

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS Data
  2. UIS SDG4 Data

Percentage of teachers qualified according to the national standards (2020): 1

  • Pre-primary: 94.02%
  • Primary: 93.52%
  • Lower secondary: 98.86%
  • Upper secondary: 94.01%

Percentage of teachers Trained according to the national standards:

  • Pre-primary: No data found
  • Primary: No data found
  • Lower secondary: No data found
  • Upper secondary: No data found


  1. UIS SDG4 Data

School infrastructure and facilities: 1


  • Primary: 8.73% (2019)
  • Lower Secondary: 41.89% (2017)
  • Upper Secondary: 100% (2018)

Single‐sex basic sanitation facilities:

  • Primary: 34.70% (2019)
  • Lower Secondary: 82.47% (2017)
  • Upper Secondary: 100% (2018)


  1. UIS SDG4 Data

Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months: 1

15-64 years old: 

  • Both sexes: 13.53% (2020)
  • Male: 14.34%
  • Female: 12.87%

 15-24 years old: 

  • Both sexes: 35.51% (2020)
  • Male: 37.75%
  • Female: 33.77%

Proportion of 15- to 24-year-olds enrolled in vocational education: 1

  • Both sexes: 2.75% (2020)
  • Male: 2.77%
  • Female: 2.74%

Share of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET): 2

  • Both sexes: 11.2% (2020)
  • Male: 11.5%
  • Female: 10.9%

Number of people 15-35 years old: 3

  • Total: 4,573,963 (2024)
  • Employed: 3,240,653 people (70.9%)
  • Unemployed: 36,134 people (0.8%)
  • Inactive: 353,567 people (7.7%)
  • Student: 944,066 people (20.6%)

Gross enrolment ratio for tertiary education: 4

  • Both sexes: 6.22% (2023)
  • Male: 7.00%
  • Female: 5.44%

Total number of accredited Higher Education institutions: 50, including: 5

  • Public: 7
  • Private: 43

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data
  2. ILO
  3. Africa Youth Employment Clock
  4. UIS SDG4 Data
  5. Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale et de la Recherche Scientifique
  Gender Parity Index (2020) (GPI) Gross enrolment ratio 1 Adjusted Gender Parity Index (GPIA) Gross enrolment ratio 2 Proportion of schools with adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disabilities 2
Primary 1.01 N/A 0.00% (2019)
Lower secondary 1.21 N/A 0.00 % (2019)
Upper secondary 1.14 N/A 0.00 % (2018)
Tertiary N/A 0.78 (2023) N/A

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data
Government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP 1 Expenditure on education as a percentage of total government expenditure 1
4.82% (2022) 15.73% (2023)

Additional Resources: 


  1. UIS SDG4 Data 
  15+ years 15-24 years 25-64 years 65+ years
Literacy rate by age group 1 75.54% 93.56% 68.44% 34.32%
  Both sexes Males Females
Literacy rate by sex 1 75.54% (2022) Males: 81.84% 69.44%

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data
  Proportion of schools with access to internet for pedagogical purposes 1 Proportion of secondary schools with access to computers for pedagogical purposes 1
Lower secondary 0.00% (2019) 0.00% (2019)
Upper secondary 6.85% (2018) 17.12% (2018)

Additional Resources:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data
Refugees and asylum seekers 1 Internally Displaced Persons due to conflict or natural disasters 2
89,952 74 000


  1. UNHCR Operational Data Portal – UNHCR
  2. Global Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)
  Yes/No Source / Additional Resources
Education Sector Plan Yes Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de la recherche scientifique. (2023). Plan sectoriel de l'éducation 2022-2030
Related strategic documents Yes

République du Burundi. (2018). Plan transitoire de l’éducation au Burundi 2018-2020

République du Burundi. (2012). Plan sectoriel de développement de l'éducation et de la formation 2012-2020

République Du Burundi. (2018). Plan National de Développement du Burundi - PND Burundi 2018-2027

EAC Secretariat. (2015). East African Community Vision 2050: regional vision for socio-economic transformation and development. Tanzania.

National Commitment Statement No  
Early Childhood Education Policy Yes

UNICEF. (2023). Development of Early Childhood Budget analysis 2023-2024 – Burundi

UNICEF. (2023). Développement de la petite enfance. Note de politique

UNICEF, and Countdown to 2030 Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. Country Profiles for Early Childhood Development. (2023)


National Teacher’s Standards No Ecole normale supérieure (ENS)
The National Credit and Qualifications Framework Yes UNEVOC TVET Country Profile
Higher Education Accreditation body Yes

Commission Nationale de l’Enseignement Supérieur (CNES)

UNESCO Higher Education Policy Observatory Country Profile

National inclusive policy Yes

Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de la recherche scientifique. (2023). Plan sectoriel de l'éducation 2022-2030

GEMR Inclusion Profile

Gender Policy Yes

National Gender Policy

Ministère de la Solidarité Nationale, des Affaires Sociales, des Droits de la Personne Humaine et du Genre

The African Union International Centre for the Education of Girls and Women in Africa (AU/CIEFFA)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) policy No The National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation
Youth policy No

Ministère des Affaires de la Communauté Est-Africaine, de la Jeunesse, des Sports et de la Culture

ILO Youth Country Briefs

ICT Country Profile Yes GEMR - ICT in Education Profile
Resilience plan Yes Plan National de Riposte 2021
Climate Change Education and Communication No  
Private sector: Non-State actors in Education Yes GEMR - Non-State Actors in Education Profile
Sexuality education No  
Education Scenario for 2043 Yes Future Projections and Strategic Outlook on Education