Overview of the Country


  • Official name: Republic of Ghana 1
  • Capital: Greater Accra 1
  • Location: Western Africa 1
  • Population: 34,121,985 (2023) 2
  • Official language: English 3
  • National language: 1 (Akan) 3
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$ 73.77 Billion (2023) 4
  • GNI per capita, PPP (current international $): 7,370 (2023) 5

Membership of Regional Economic Communities (RECs):

Additional information:


  1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ghana
  2. Population Data Portal
  3. Ministry of Tourism
  4. World Bank - GDP
  5. World Bank - GNI

Critical sector strategic priorities include: 1

  • Improved equitable access to and participation in inclusive education at all levels.
  • Improved quality of teaching and learning and STEM at all levels.
  • Sustainable and efficient management, financing and accountability of education service delivery.

Key documents

Education Sector Plan:

Education Sector Medium-Term Development Plan:

Early Childhood Education Policy Framework:

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Policy:

ICT Policy:

Inclusive Education Policy:

Gender Policy:

Youth Policy:

Resilience Plan:

Climate Change Policy:

Future Education Scenario:

Additional information:


  1. Ministry of Education, Ghana. (2018). Ghana Education Strategic Plan 2018-2030.

Governance structure for education:

Ministry of Education (MoE) is responsible for all policies on education, including apprenticeships and wider skills acquisition, and oversees several bodies including:

The education system structure encompasses: 1

  • Basic education: Free and compulsory, comprising kindergarten (two years), primary (six years), and junior high school (three years).
  • Secondary education: Includes senior high schools and technical institutes.
  • Tertiary education: Comprises both academic and vocational tracks.

Additionally, the system includes non-formal education (NFE), inclusive and special education, and education management.

Additional information:


  1. Ministry of Education, Ghana. (2018). Ghana Education Strategic Plan 2018-2030.

School age population (2023): 1

  • Pre-primary: 1,687,179
  • Primary: 4,998,697
  • Lower secondary: 2,255,007
  • Upper secondary: 2,123,248

Gros enrolment ratio (2022): 1

  • Pre-primary: No data found
  • Primary: 96.53
  • Lower secondary: 80.97
  • Upper secondary: 72.35

Completion rate: 2

  • Primary: 77.80% (2021)
  • Lower secondary: 53.59% (2020)
  • Upper secondary: 76.14% (2020)

Out-of-school rate (2019): 2

  • Primary school age: 6.93%
  • Lower secondary school age: 16.14%
  • Upper secondary school age: 31.23%

Additional information:


  1. UIS Data
  2. UIS SDG4 Data

Learning achievement in reading: 1

  • Early grades: Low proficiency, MICS, 2018 : Overall average 7%
  • End of primary: rlevel1_lowsec, MICS, 2018 : Overall average 44%

Learning achievement in mathematics: 1  

  • Early grades: Low proficiency, MICS, 2018 : Overall average 8%
  • End of primary: Low proficiency, MICS, 2018 : Overall average 27%

Learning achievement in science: 1

  • End of lower secondary:
    • Low proficiency, TIMSS, 2011 : Overall average 22%
    • Minimum proficiency, TIMSS, 2011 : Overall average 7%
    • Medium proficiency, TIMSS, 2011 : Overall average 1%

Additional information:


  1. The World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE) for Ghana

Percentage of teachers qualified according to the national standards (2021): 1

  • Pre-primary: 60.95%
  • Primary: 65.52%
  • Lower secondary: 76.99%
  • Upper secondary: 80.57%

Percentage of teachers trained according to the national standards: 1

  • Pre-primary: No data found
  • Primary: No data found
  • Lower secondary: No data found
  • Upper secondary: No data found

Additional information:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data

School infrastructure and facilities / Electricity: 1

  • Primary Education: 38.85 % (2021)
  • Lower Secondary Education: 65.03 % (2021)
  • Upper Secondary Education: 92.46 % (2020)

School infrastructure and facilities / Single‐sex basic sanitation facilities: 1

  • Primary Education: 90.57 % (2017) 
  • Lower Secondary Education: No data found 
  • Upper Secondary Education:   63.36 % (2019)

Additional information:

  • For more information on coverage of the learning environment, including: basic handwashing facilities, and basic drinking water: UIS Ghana Country Profile.


  1. UIS SDG4 Data

Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, 15-64 years old: 1

  • Both sexes: 16.91% (2022)
  • Male: 19.29%
  • Female: 14.95%

Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, 15-24 years old: 1

  • Both sexes: 43.83% (2022)
  • Male: 46.62%
  • Female: 41.22%

Proportion of 15- to 24-year-olds enrolled in vocational education: 1

  • Both sexes: 1.46% (2021)
  • Male: 2.15%
  • Female: 0.76%

Share of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET): 2

  • Both sexes: 27.7% (2022)
  • Male: 25.4%
  • Female: 29.9%

Number of people 15-35 years old: 3

  • Total: 12,167,067 (2024)
  • Employed: 6,946,179 people (57.1%)
  • Unemployed: 862,645 people (7.1%)
  • Inactive: 1,939,431 people (15.9%)
  • Student: 2,420,030 people (19.9%)

Additional information:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data
  2. ILO
  3. Africa Youth Employment Clock
  4. UIS SDG4 Data
  5. Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC)

Gross enrolment ratio for tertiary education: 1

  • Both sexes: 20.39% (2022) 
  • Male: 21.00%
  • Female: 19.77%  

Number of accredited Higher Education institutions: 2

  • Total: 313


  1. UIS SDG4 Data
  2. Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC)

Gender Parity Index (GPI) gross enrolment ratio (2022): 1

  • Primary: 0.97
  • Lower secondary: 1.0
  • Upper secondary: 1.00

Adjusted Gender Parity Index (GPIA) gross enrolment ratio (2022): 2

  • Tertiary: 0.94

Proportion of schools with adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disabilities: 2

  • Primary Education: no data found
  • Lower secondary: no data found
  • Upper secondary: 20.43 (2019)

Additional information:


  1. UIS Data
  2. UIS SDG4 Data

Expenditure on education: 1

  • Government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP: 2.90% (2023)
  • Expenditure on education as a percentage of total government expenditure: 12.04% (2023)

Additional information: 


  1. UIS SDG4 Data 

Literacy rate by age group (2020): 1

  • 15+ years: 80.38%
  • 15-24 years: 93.48%
  • 25-64 years: 76.12%
  • 65+ years: 54.65%

Literacy rate by sex (2020): 1

  • Both sexes: 80.38%
  • Males: 84.49%
  • Females: 76.19%

Additional information:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data

Proportion of schools with access to internet for pedagogical purposes: 1

  • Lower secondary: 18.67% (2018)
  • Upper secondary: 47.33% (2019)

Proportion of secondary schools with access to computers for pedagogical purposes (2018): 1

  • Lower secondary: 12.94%
  • Upper secondary: 34.86%

Additional information:


  1. UIS SDG4 Data


  • Refugees and asylum seekers: 23,142 1
  • Internally Displaced Persons due to conflict or natural disasters: 39,000 2


  1. UNHCR  Operational Data Portal – UNHCR
  2. Global Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)