Mali has submitted its Education Management Information System (EMIS) to a peer review, according to the 2012 ECOWAS standards, with the support of the MEN and the coordination of the GTGEAP/ADEA. This evaluation, supported by the ECOWAS Commission and the African Union, involved Mali's national SIGE team and experts from Burkina Faso and Togo.

The assessment revealed that, although Mali's legal framework and statistical production processes are satisfactory, there are shortcomings in human, material and financial resources. The main points include delays of over two years in data production, inadequate dissemination of information, and poor consideration of user needs. EMIS suffers from limited organizational capacity at all levels; a lack of dedicated financial resources and a standards-compliant facility coding system.

CPS-SE (Cellule de Planification et de Statistique du Secteur de l'Education), the only entity authorized to produce statistics for education and training. However, the legal framework for EMIS remains incomplete and needs to be improved to fully meet ECOWAS requirements.

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