This paper frames the focus and synthesizes intricate technical and administrative processes that led to the successful ADEA 2017 Triennale themed "Revitalizing education towards the 2030 Global Agenda and Africa’s Agenda 2063: The Broader How". It was the first real effort aimed at answering “the how” in implementing the continental and global agendas from the lens and context of Africa.

The paper demonstrates a participatory reflection process among countries and education stakeholders, critical for ownership as the Triennale is among the continent’s largest education forums.

The concept shares the prevailing education environment by stating the progress made among African member states since 2000, amidst persistent challenges. It highlights advancements in key indicators such as enhanced primary enrollment rates and gender parity, tempered by high illiteracy rates and stagnant survival rates in primary education, inadequate infrastructure and limited personnel, among others.

To address these challenges, the concept advocates for transformative interventions that prioritize education as a cornerstone for development.

ADEA coordinated the preparatory discussions that resulted in four thematic areas: lifelong learning for sustainable development, STEM, culture, peace and global citizenship. The structure enabled stakeholders to reflect deeply on ways of reforming education – emphasizing skills acquisition, innovation, and knowledge promotion – to prepare citizens for a knowledge-based society.

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