This concept note guided the third sub-theme of the ADEA 2017 Triennale, aimed to integrate knowledge and best practices into education and training to promote African cultural renaissance, Pan-Africanism, and continental integration. Coordinated by ADEA’s Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE) in collaboration with the ADEA Secretariat, the sub-theme is aligned with the global 2030 Agenda and Africa’s Agenda 2063, where Africa’s cultural and linguistic diversity was deemed crucial for sustainability, allowing people to take ownership of development programs and participate in achieving educational goals.

The concept note provides an introductory explanation of the various Pan-African concepts and calls for effective strategies to support a humanist approach to education that promotes inclusion, mutual understanding, and social cohesion. Instilling Pan-Africanism, peace, and continental integration in the minds of young people is critical to achieving these objectives.

The paper recommends establishing a shared understanding of key concepts, identifying opportunities and challenges, and addressing the thematic area's effective implementation.

The programmatic aspects included methodological guidelines, activity prioritization, expected outcomes, task division, and scheduling including the regional consultation held in Luanda, Angola, in July 2016. This approach aimed to ensure the successful capture of Pan-Africanism, multiculturalism, multilingualism, and cultural renaissance in Africa.

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