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Neil Butcher & Associates (NBA) is committed to improving equitable access, quality, and effectiveness of education in developing countries to create supportive, empowered education systems in which people at all levels see themselves as agents of their own change.


Core services: In striving to fulfil our vision, we provide the following core services:

  • Offering strategic planning and policy advice to significant role players in education planning and implementation.

  • Designing projects and preparing detailed implementation strategies for educational initiatives of all scales.

  • Conducting research and evaluation in the education sector.

  • Developing and aggregating content for course, curriculum and training materials development; working in multiple media including print, video, audio and online multimedia.

  • Developing, supporting and promoting the use of Open Education Resources (OER).

  • Harnessing the use of open-source and proprietary ICT systems to develop online portals, specialising particularly in content development and management services.

  • Developing the capacity of educators to harness technology effectively to design and implement effective educational courses and programmes.