This document analyzes Zimbabwe's Education Management Information System (EMIS), assessing its strengths, challenges, and areas for improvement as part of a broader initiative to enhance education data management across Africa. The review evaluates the system's effectiveness in collecting, processing, and disseminating data across four thematic areas: Policy and Legal Frameworks, Resource Availability and Utilization, Statistical Processes, and Education Information Reporting. Zimbabwe's EMIS received a score of 3.2, indicating ""acceptable"" statistical information quality.

Key findings highlight the system's robust legal and policy framework, but also reveal significant challenges, such as limited financial resources, inadequate infrastructure, and capacity constraints. The report underscores the need for a stronger legal framework, dedicated resources, and improved data collection and reporting processes.

The report recommends several actions to enhance EMIS, including strengthening staff capacity, improving data quality, and increasing stakeholder engagement. It also advocates for greater integration with other national data systems, better utilization of data in decision-making, the development of a comprehensive EMIS policy, enhanced inter-ministerial collaboration, and alignment of data collection with international standards.

The review emphasizes the importance of Zimbabwe improving the quality of its education data by using regional tools, international and continental standards, such as those from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and African Union, and making targeted improvements to meet SADC standards.

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