This report aims to provide evidence-based insights to support education leaders in South Africa achieving out-of-school, completion, and foundational learning targets. It analyzes the alignment between government vision and actionable objectives to improve basic skills.

Since 1994, South Africa has seen significant improvements in school attendance and completion rates, though learning outcomes in mathematics and reading remain concerning. In 2019, only 41% of Grade 5 students achieved the minimum proficiency level (MPL) in mathematics, and in 2021, only 19% met the MPL in reading. The report highlights the national vision for education, outlined in the National Development Plan: Vision for 2030, which emphasizes foundational skills and improved teaching practices.

Research for the report included curriculum analysis, classroom observations, and interviews with stakeholders across three provinces. Findings reveal that while the curriculum is coherent, challenges persist in the effective use of teaching materials and assessment practices. The report emphasizes the need for ongoing professional development, better alignment of instructional materials with the curriculum, and enhanced support for teachers.

Key recommendations include supporting foundational literacy and numeracy, providing concrete manipulatives for early grade math, ensuring timely delivery of materials, strengthening the availability of resources in all official languages, and improving infrastructure to accommodate growing enrolments.

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