This practice brief offers research-based insights for providers of school leadership professional development (PD) services in Africa, focusing on the design and implementation of blended and remote PD programmes. Recognizing that effective PD is essential for empowering school leaders and enhancing the culture of teaching and learning, the practice brief emphasizes the practicality of blended and remote PD formats zooming in on how to design, develop and deliver cost-effective school leadership PD at scale.

To ensure these PD programmes are impactful, the practice brief recommends using the ADDIE instructional design framework, which stands for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. This model is favored for its iterative nature, allowing PD providers to refine and scale successful programmes. The practice brief illustrates the application of ADDIE through case studies from Ghana, Kenya, and Rwanda, showcasing how these countries have effectively developed and delivered blended PD programmes.

Furthermore, the guide underscores the importance of collaboration between governments and PD providers to achieve transformative outcomes. It also highlights the need to address cross-cutting themes such as gender, equity, inclusion, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and sustainability within the PD design, development and delivery processes. By drawing on the experiences of Ghana, Kenya, and Rwanda, this guide serves as a valuable resource for other African countries aiming to develop and implement effective blended PD programs for school leaders.

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